Latest & Greatest

My blog will be a collection of recent news and achievements... maybe some personal thoughts and essays, too. I'm horrible at journaling so updates can be expected extremely sporadically (at best). In the future, I hope this will also grow to be a good resource for aspiring and amateur writers.

Fantasy Novel WIP

After a life-threatening accident in the present day, Lauren wakes up in the Middle Ages, where magic - and monsters - are all too real. (60-70k words.)

Science Fiction Novella WIP

A child-genius researcher and a rogue AI grow up and grow old together, finding comfort at each stage of life in each others' companionship. (30-35k words.)

The Tailor and the Tempest

Petra flees her war-torn city and sets out on a path of healing and self-discovery. The secrets she learns along the way could be the salvation of her city and the key to her own happiness - or the undoing of it all. (17k words.)

Tibi, In Omne Tempus

One is cursed to endure and remember, the other to repeat and forget. Will two separated lovers recognize each other before it's too late and finally put an end to their centuries of suffering? (1k words.)

About Me

I started writing as a way to look busy in high school biology and just... never stopped. My wheelhouse is fantasy, paranormal, and soft science fiction works of all lengths. I currently live in Germany with my husband and my cranky old cat, but am forever and always a Texan at heart. My friends all say I'm an "extroverted introvert" - why not get in touch and find out for yourself?